
Catch us the little foxes

With the final Fox Point disclosures of the previous passage, Stubborn Grew draws near the finish line.  The poem's plot or action is almost complete; what remains is more lyric than narrative, a kind of lament or elegy for what was lost.  The chanting of Shoshone songs & the proverbs of Bluejay (along with a brief elegy by Edwin Honig)  gradually suffuse the whole picture.


It was a fragrant flagrant night, yes, 
when they laid him in his tomb. 
So do not, daughters of Jerusalem, 
let love arise, until it please.

Unbeknownst to C I watched her 
bobsail back up Hope Street NNW 
toward 132, our nostradomus –
remembering our young spring flower

so long ago.  Magnolias and dogwoods, 
mountain laurel; drenched air
drenched with scented seeds (where 
Governor met Benevolent, at Aldrich House).

I helped you off with your Italian boots.
The year was 1976.  The freddo roses, 
gone.  A box of myrrh.  She chooses 
me.  Prima, primavera.  Adam roots,

Eve threads, the flowergarden grew 
out of a broken box of myrrh, the bark 
of an Egyptian riverboat.  Q ark
for love, so prodigaL  We never knew

that seedy, burgeoning night was in 
a Botticelli ship, within a Venus shell. 
We never knew enough.  Your smile 
an apple, in my hand, a gold lion.

The ship's a coffin, freighted for Byzantium. 
A well-made benison from Venice –
wooden horse, Greek gift – Odysseus
in rags, returned, memorious.  Come home.


He swayed the girls into his orbit –
let them swirl him to his grave.
His endless tale – too snarled to save. 
His loveline ends – obit.

In the spring snow on Valentine's Day 
I watched a goldfinch with a black-eyed 
Susan look (like Bluejay) – paralyzed –
circle around the Courthouse (clay

penny in love with copper).  Proper 
Irish islomania.  Unlucky once, unlucky 
twice, in the heart's greenhouse – greedy 
with risen love–too-much – her

fevered night-in-gale.  Ah, those Irish eyes, 
oh, that overflowing sister-love –
nard of Leonardo – graven
in his hermitage.  The goldfinch flies

out of the lapwing of nativity. 
One drop of blood (her ruby glance 
across the silent white expanse 
of Neva-land). Epiphany.

He swayed the girls into his orbit –
let them swirl him to his grave.
His endless tale – too snarled to save. 
His loveline ends – obit.

The scent grows heavier.  The pink magnolias 
bend and fall.  Go to sleep now
in your coffin-cup, Henry – throw 
away your name –- only an H remains,

and a red wheel, circling, circles. 
Only an H, seasick on the Orizaba
aching to join his Juliet, an oily baba 
in the desert night.  Rusted, curls

around a sunken stump.  Corralled. 
An unknown code beneath his course. 
Black hole, infallen purse, 

Beneath his corse.  Ding-
dong. Shared

And again in the far distance and again 
the line of evening geese lifts high 
and portages honking on toward Canada. 
A candid pining, fateful sigh, hand

woven – unicurve, across the blue.
You plucked the gold forsythia,
feet softly planted on the moss.  Pythia's
a vision over Venice – Peter's bird, she flew. . .

It was a fragrant flagrant night, yes, 
when they laid him in his tomb. 
So do not, daughters of Jerusalem, 
let love arise, until it please.


Daman   dave   yuwinangwa   yuwi-gena, 
Daman   dave   yuwinangwa   yuwi-genor. 
Nuwe   nuwe   nuwigenor   nuwigenor, 
nuwe   nuwe   nuwigenor   nuwigena.

Missing H in the Exchange [tired]
whale hail against the wall [repeat 1st part?] 
Moby Crane – heart-shaped anchor [art?] 
mordant means glued H to the wall – fIred

in fresca [fresco?] go back to the beginning here, 
Dr. Preskill the precedent for Kip's thorn? 
Hawking bet his raven radiation 
for one encyclopedia [NY

Times, April 8, 1998 – science section]
dry ice carries mass away
might mean lawlessness in physics – any 
more info on the Death Ray? – good question.

Run the film backward, that's micro-
reversibility.  Splinter particles
become shards cascading [see the articles] 
more littler shards [def.: "micro"]

[why is that waitress glaring at me?
Just because I always order the same thing?] 
Spacetime aberrations in a sing-
ularity [hilarity here? – not funny]

is Q mechanics people versus relativity profs. 
Head to head – big heads! Black hole
folks vs. info preservationists [bowl
shaped multiverse?] – see G. t'Hooft's

theory about that – but is it a theory? 
Where's Bluejay now?  He would know. 
Information loss is highly infectious – so 
they say. . .

Dugu   ba-gaganana   dugu   ba-gaganan, 
Dugu   ba-gaganana   dugu   ba-gaganan.
Dugu   saiyog-anana   dugu   saiyog-anan ena, 
Dugu   saiyog-anana   dugu   saiyog-anan ena.

A black hole has no hair. [bald?] 
Still using PASCAL language here? 
If you dropped v. 29 of Britannica 
into a black hole. . . we are lost at sea.

Because everything is sucked into. . . maybe 
a whole other baby universe? [more on that?] 
But information cannot be destroyed [what 
time is it?  Thank you.]  Is it a BB

gun – the universe, I mean?  Bang, bang, get it? 
Beep beep the baby's up.
There might be – yup –
remnant particles.  Obsolete –

infinite parameters long – just slogging along 
swallowing brits [don't make a habit of it]
these black whales might be strings – 10 to the it 
dimensions!  [Leo Suss says so long!]

Informons, infotons [heavy!], cornucopions [whew!] 
these are what we have to deal with –
all info hologrammed on a surf the width
of only two dimensions!  And that's one too few!

Dugu   ba-gaganana   dugu   ba-gaganan, 
dugu   ba-gaganana   dugu   ba-gaganan.
Dugu   saiyog-anana   dugu   saiyog-anan ena, 
dugu   saiyog-anana   dugu   saiyog-anan ena.

There was darkness in broad day.  Moon 
red. September, October, tremor in Assisi. 
Giotto's grieving angels. . . gentle clay 
came drifting down.  Even

Assisi.  Leveled.
The dome trembled
by the Kedron, humbled 
(the priest–felled).

The night garden swelled 
(your earthworm sleep, 
your time, your deep, 
swelled, filled).

Your voice tolled, 
sighed (your 
clay, your 

the wind. 



Daman   dave   yuwinangwa   yuwi-gena, 
daman   dave   yuwinangwa   yuwi-genor. 
Nuwe   nuwe nuwigenor nuwigenor, 
nuwe   nuwe   nuwigenor nuwigena.


Catch us the little foxes, Solomon,
that spoil our vineyard.  Lucky,
true love's the cardinal pt (sd Bluejay).
A monde, almond.  All made.  I thirsty, mon.

Henry, beside his cup and flying saucer, 
shrouded, canonical, fed it all back –
a lost supper, chef'd by a black sea-hack. 
His memoir, gyring, filled it to the top ce soir.

A mourning kiss, portrayed by Leonardo,
lion.  King of Bongo Kongo, hero lion of iron. 
In a locked greenhouse, with siren.
Do re mi fa so and so, and so on.  So.

Dip the waif in the drink.  Have a pig roast. 
On Friday, just for kicks – or eat fish
with a dead man.  Swish,
down he goes.  A toast

to the po guy.  Photo
in the honeycomb.
Lisbon, Rome.
Eddy, eddies. . . love, in toto,

Papa–for I am sick of love! 
Honeybees, Aristaeus, Orpheus. 
He remembered her on moss, 
black & white – dove

to the bottom of her heart.  And 
the old man trembles for her, 
unbeknownst, sorrower –
clasps close the cedar locket.

Jewel of your life
Burns blackstone, 
diamond.  One 
cruel grief.

Upon a Roman rood was fixt 
clay lips gone underground.  Still
through the pinedoor, drifted sound. 
Her calling me.  A morning rose.  Finixt.

A thin ray from a whispering star fell 
through a break in the burning hot wailing 
wall.  He was suddenly outside, standing. 
At last he was standing – gazing in the well

of a steadfast star.  In the old wooden frame 
the icon seemed alive, smiling, an island
in his hand.  Her eyes, pale green, beckoned 
him forward again. . . stand here, without shame.

In her hands, the box of myrrh, the door. 
As though the scent of lost time 
retained there, on its golden rim, 
dimensional. . . shore

upon shore, shore upon shore
Scrolled, from impossible spans, 
from impenetrable regions. . . 
one thin melody.  A score

for wheeling voices, mixolydian 
and Mexican, earthbound.
Round wound, wound
once, twice. . . fractured.  Peruvian.

Upon a Roman rood was fixt
clay lips gone underground.  Still 
through the pinedoor, drifted sound. 
Her calling me.  A morning rose.  Finixt.

The cup runs to the verge, the oil 
candescent now, the song flows over, 
flows into the gulf.  Plover,
seagull cry above hollow toil

of the overloaded vessel – Captain Fatso, 
carting home that prancing lord, all bronze. 
His eyes are blank.  No one responds.
The meeker skipper, though – we know

his name – it must be Juan Diego!
Standing naked–sheer–like limestone cliff 
or Queequeg, at the prow of quaking skiff–
head spinning – row, row, row your. . .

through time's 
zeros.  Ever.  Eros.

Soars.  And wheels there, silver-
heeled, Elohim, healed, soars. 
Afloat through gravity floors 
you – your palaver

palace races now toward 
your own heart
craning art
straining word

lifting opening the chest of flowers 
and the nest flies open doves veering 
wheeling in a V over the cheering 
towering stone calendar's –

Catch us the little foxes, Solomon,
that spoil our vineyard.  Lucky,
true love's the cardinal pt (sd Bluejay).
A mande, almond.  All made.  I thirsty, mon.


Upon a Roman rood was fixt
clay lips gone underground.  Still 
through the pinedoor,drifted sound. 
Her calling me.  A morning rose.  Finixt.

Catch us the little foxes, Solomon,
that spoil our vineyard.  Lucky,
true love's the cardinal pt (sd Bluejay).
A monde, almond.  All made.  I thirsty, mon.

It was a fragrant flagrant night, yes, 
when they laid him in his tomb. 
So do not, daughters of Jerusalem, 
let love arise, until it please.

He swayed the girls into his orbit –
let them swirl him to his grave.
His endless tale – too snarled to save.
His loveline ends – obit.

Daman dave yuwinangwa yuwi-gena, 
daman dave yuwinangwa yuwi-genor. 
Nuwe nuwe nuwigenor nuwigenor, 
nuwe nuwe nuwigenor nuwigena.

Dugu ba-gaganana dugu ba-gaganan, 
dugu ba-gaganana dugu ba-gaganan. 
Dugu saiyog-anana dugu saiyog-anan ena, 
dugu saiyog-anana dugu saiyog-anan ena.

                                     4.9.98 (Maundy Thursday)


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